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Civil Society, Conflict Resolution, and Democracy in Nigeria by Darren Kew read online TXT, MOBI, DJV


African nations have watched the recent civic dramas of the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street asking if they too will see similar civil society actions in their own countries. Nigeria Africa s most populous nation has long enjoyed one of the continent s most vibrant civil society spheres, which has been instrumental in political change. Initially viewed as contributing to democracy s development, however, civil society groups have come under increased scrutiny by scholars and policymakers. Do some civil society groups promote democracy more effectively than others? And if so, which ones, and why?By examining the structure, organizational cultures, and methods of more than one hundred Nigerian civil society groups, Kew finds that the groups that best promote democratic development externally are themselves internally democratic. Specifically, the internally democratic civil society groups build more sustainable coalitions to resist authoritarian rule; support and influence political parties more effectively; articulate and promote public interests in a more negotiable fashion; and, most importantly, inculcate democratic norms in their members, which in turn has important democratizing impacts on national political cultures and institutions. Further, internally democratic groups are better able to resolve ethnic differences and ethnic-based tensions than their undemocratically structured peers.This book is a deeply comprehensive account of Nigerian civil society groups in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Kew blends democratic theory with conflict resolution methodologies to argue that the manner in which groups and states manage internal conflicts provides an important gauge as to how democratic their political cultures are. The conclusions will allow donors and policymakers to make strategic decisions in their efforts to build a democratic society in Nigeria and other regions."

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These essays expand on the well-known theory of minority rights first developed in his work Multicultural Citizenship.The Constitutional Court has a special place in the book, as do local government and the protection of fundamental rights.Once a critical number of citizens or regions band together in these practices, they can leverage illiberal efforts at the federal level.This title is available in a variety of formats - digital and print.The philosophically justified "revolution" turns out to be the basis of an anti-politics whose end was foreshadowed by the fall of European communism in 1989.Democracy for Realists assails the romantic folk-theory at the heart of contemporary thinking about democratic politics and government, and offers a provocative alternative view grounded in the actual human nature of democratic citizens.Todd Landman offers an optimistic, yet cautionary tale of these developments, drawing on the literature, from politics, international relations and international law.The first chapters present a brief historical overview and an introduction to Romanian constitutional culture, as well as to the principles and general features of the 1991 Constitution.They offer a balanced account of the voting patterns and forward-thinking decisions that led Nicaraguans to first support the reformist Sandinista revolutionaries only to replace them with a conservative democratic regime a few years later.In doing so, it places strategic culture as a contextual factor in relation to other material and institutional contextual factors and spells out how these factors impact on a democratic state s decisions on the use of force against existential threats interacts with the role of decision-makers particular language employed to justify their actions.Wall Street gets its bailouts, wages keep falling, and the free-trade deals keep coming.With his trademark sardonic wit and lacerating logic, Frank lays bare the essence of the Democratic Party's philosophy and how it has changed over the years.If you've decided to vote Leave this will enthuse you, if you're not yet sure, it will convince you' Michael Gove.